Tuesday, March 11, 2025
The Cessation of Craving: Understanding the Third Noble Truth (Ann McCarty) The Buddha taught that there is an end to suffering (nirodha). The End of Suffering is the end of craving (attachment), desire, ignorance, hatred, greed, and delusion. In this, the third in our 5-week focus on the Four Noble Truths, we will study the teachings of what is present when we cease suffering. We will take time to reflect on the Sutta, which teaches us that there is relief from the symptoms of suffering, leading to true happiness and contentment, onward to Nirvana. Finally, we will look at practical applications of this teaching, the benefits of ceasing to crave, and the relevance to our modern lives. |
Schedule 6:30-6:35: Announcements 6:35-7:05: Sitting Meditation 7:05-8:00: Talk & Discussion (Ann McCarty) NOTE OF INTEREST: The talks in this Four Noble Truths series are being recorded. To access these recordings (or the handouts that go with them), go to the RECORDED TALKS page on the WSDC website. |
Upcoming Schedule
March 18: The 4th Noble Truth–The Path to Cessation (Bo Fried)
March 25: The Four Noble Truths–Tying up Loose Ends
April 1: What Brought You to Practice? (Karen & Jim Garrido)
April 8: Seeing that Frees: Meditations on Emptiness and Dependent Arising by Rob Burbea (Tess Wise)
April 15: On Self-Compassion (Amanda Espinoza)
April 22: Dogen’s “Instructions to the Cook” (Bosco Farr)
April 29: Practicing with Rob Burbea’s Seeing that Frees (Mark Rabil)