Tuesday, January 12, 2025
More Working with Difficult Emotions This week, Joan Wilkins will share a Dharma talk and guided meditation exploring the Handshake Meditation practice. This is a practice based in the Tibetan tradition offered to help patiently open to emotional distress. |
Schedule 6:30-6:35: Announcements 6:35-7:05: Sitting Meditation 7:05-7:15: Walking Meditation 7:15-8:00: “Working with Difficult Emotions” (Joan Wilkins) |
Upcoming Schedule
January 21: The Meaning of “Awake” in Modern Times–Jim Garrido
January 28: Wisdom Circle
February 4: Lifting as They Climb: Black Women Buddhists and Collective Liberation—Tess Wise
February 11: Mindfulness (sati) and Clear Comprehension (sampajanna)–Jay Ford
February 18: Practicing with the Hindrances (Sue Rumble)